This is one of two firearms that do not one-shot-kill if hit the player in the head. It has 30 round, 9x19mm magazines, and can be used in burst or automatic mode.
The MP5k isn't a lot like the UMP45, as it fires more rounds in a shorter time, and takes more round to kill a player. H&K MP5k: This is one of the three submachine guns in the game.You only get 20 extra shells with this gun. Franchi SPAS-12: The SPAS holds up to 8 rounds, and can be single loaded or as many as you need.These weapons can also be selected as your primary weapon. If you are carrying the IMI Negev, you cannot carry or pick up a secondary weapon. If you choose not to carry a secondary weapon, you will be allowed to use another item slot. They are often used to carry an automatic weapon with a sniper rifle, or as an alternative when a primary weapon runs out of ammo and you don't have a chance to reload. MAS FR F1: The french sniper rifle by the manufacturer Manufacture d'Armes St.Etienne, set to replace the SR8.All secondary weapons (below) may also be used as a primary weapon.The M4 is the one of the loudest gun in the game. The rounds are 5.56x45 NATO, and has automatic, burst, and semi-automatic modes. It fires 30 rounds per magazine and comes with two extra magazines (4 if using Extra Ammo). Colt M4A1: The M4 is like the LR300, in which it is an assault rifle, but it fires slower but, it is faster than the G36.The Negev is so heavy, it doesn't allow for a Tier 2 (secondary) gun. The Negev shoots 5.56x45 NATO rounds like the LR300, G36 and M4A1, but it takes more rounds to kill a player than the other guns. IMI Negev: The Negev is the largest gun in the game, holding 90 rounds per belt, but you only have one other belt (2 if using Extra Ammo).Due to the bolt action, you have to retract out of the scope after every shot. It is the most powerful weapon in the game, usually killing in one shot, even if the player is wearing Kevlar. It is a bolt action sniper rifle, holding 5. Remington SR8: This is the other sniper rifle in Urban Terror.Also, this is the only sniper rifle that can use the silencer.
Though not as strong as the SR8, many snipers use this because it is semi-automatic, so it has higher hit probabilities. The PSG-1 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle, holding 8 shots per magazine. H&K PSG-1: This is one of the two sniper rifles in the game.Shooting a player will hurt or kill them most of the time. It can fire in short-range and long-range mode, but only holds one grenade per chamber. It comes with three extra grenades, (6 if using Extra Ammo). H&K 69: This is the only grenade launcher in the game.Also, one of the most used assault rifles in the game. It comes with 5.56x45mm NATO bullets and has automatic, burst, and semi-automatic modes. It has 30 rounds per magazine and comes with two extra magazines (4 if using Extra Ammo). ZM LR300 ML: This is an automatic assault rifle.This gun uses 7.62x39mm Russian bullets, so it is stronger than most assault rifles in the game, its high recoil makes it most effective at closer ranges. Its firing modes are automatic, burst, and semi-automatic. This gun has 30 rounds per magazine and comes with two extra magazines per rifle (4 if using Extra Ammo). Kalashnikov AK-103: This is an automatic assault rifle.Many players use this gun because it is an assault rifle but also has a scope, so it is good for sniping. It has 30 rounds per magazine and comes with two extra magazines per rifle (4 if using Extra Ammo). H&K G36: This is an automatic assault rifle with a 2X scope.You are required to have a primary weapon. These weapons are usually rifles, like sniper rifles, or automatic machine guns. 6 Miscellaneous Items and Weapon Attachments.